Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I can't sleep

Ok. So I reread my blog. God I write alot.

Something that I remember that bugs me about China.

1. Their view on Darfur. They think its a developing country problem, and they don't think of it as a genocide. They want America and the rest of the world to help Darfur develop, and they don't understand that slaughtering is going on.

2. How corrupt the government is and how they control the media. Dai Jie, a tong wu, told me that he didn't even know Tian An Men Square in the 90s occurred until he watched an American documentary. Because of the censorship of websites in China, some students don't even know this happened. And if they do know this happened, they don't know why it was wrong for the government to kill students. I think people are educated in this country but they are taught to memorize and they don't ask why it happens and infer why these actions are wrong. There are exceptions like Zhang Fan and Dai Jie. But very few.

3. The clear distinction between poverty and prosperous territory. Generally speaking, Hangzhou is prosperous. Just walk down Yan An Jie and you'll know the Bi Sa Bing (Pizza Hut) and the Xing Ba Ke (Starbucks) exorbitant prices are clearly alot higher than the Xue Xiao Hou Men's Xiao Chi (5 mao to 2 rmb per dish). That's because the rich pay off the government so that this kind of corruption can continue.

4. Did you know how many people died under the communist regime?

5. On a lighter note, How beauty is "cute".

Ever since I started speaking English after the language pledge, since most people are IR majors in this program, we just talked about the problems existant in this developing nation. Sorry for the China bash.

Random: I've grown to love dresses and I've bought alot. I can't wait to buy more!

Zhong wen zhuo zi would've been helpful had they taught us to order food the first week. I still can't order food. Sometimes I don't even know my dish is fried until it comes out.

Random Rant: Ri, I'm sorry for not talking to you. But you exacerbated the situation by calling me inconsiderate that how am I supposed to react? How can I talk to you if every word you say offends me? Please stop and let me go. THAT'S WHY I CAN'T SLEEP.

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