Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lack of Better Titles- August 24th

Today is my last day at the Beijing Drum Youth Hostel at Jiu Guo Lao Da Jie at the Xicheng District of Beijing. Once in a while I think about Hangzhou, because they sell mantous and bao zis (still at 5 mao), but the difference is the conspicuous construction projects that go on around the city. The fourth line is about to be open next month, so I won't have any trouble getting to Beida or Beiwai. I'm going to make it at effort to memorize the lines on Er Huan because this will be my home for the next four months and if not now, I'll have to figure it out later. The weather is beautiful, its not humid, its warm and gan.

Yesterday we walked through Houhai. Again alot of Budweiser advertisements and I could tell the prices would be close to American. I think Beijing is really beautiful, granted that there are alot of tourists. You don't see Hei Zhong ren or that many bai zhong ren in Hangzhou, but once in a while you see them strolling along Beijing. Kind of diverse, and kind of lacking diversity. Lacking diversity in the sense that traveling through different provinces in China you see similar buildings, food, and culture. I took alot of scenery photos yesterday, but they are very gu lao. I also went to a Pirated DVD store and got rush hour 3 and the uncensored version of the Ex with Zach Braff. I need time to see it but my shou ti dian nao can only process audio and I can't watch DVDs. I need to buy a dvd player.

Yesterday I kept thinking all day that Taiwan is going to declare independence during the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Isn't that scary?

I hate people who smoke in my face.

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